
New Brass Napkin Ring Set with Alternate Sankofa symbol (Heart Shaped) – 2 in set | Ghana

Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $30.00.

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Dimension:  ” X ”

Adinkra are symbols that represent concepts.  Adinkra symbols are used extensively in fabrics, logos and pottery.  In addition, Adinkra symbols appear on some traditional Akan Gold weights.

Some examples of some adinkra symbols:

  •  Sankofa is a word in the Twi language of Ghana that translates to “Go back and get it.”  Symbolizes that we need to learn from the past if we want to improve our future.
  • Hye Won Hye – “That which does not burn.”  Symbol of toughness, imperishability and endurance and an inspiration to others to endure and overcome difficulties. 
  • Gye Nyame is the God of the Akan people of Ghana.  His name means “he  who knows and sees everything” and Omniscient, omnipotent sky god” in the Akan language.  The Supremacy of God.
  • Adinkrahene -“The Chief of the Adinkra symbols, meaning greatness, charisma and leadership” (looks like a Target)
  • Dwennimmen – “The Rams Horns.”  Symbol of humility and strength.  Signifies modesty but toughness in character
  • Nkonsonkonson – “Chain link, the symbol of Unity and human relations”

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